What products are TOG's intended to be used with?
Tear Off Gaskets are designed to work with laminated tear off stacks only. Our gaskets can be used with singles, but it is highly recommended to use 1 gasket for every laminated stack.

Do TOG's come with Tear Off's?
No, our product is a biodegradable adhesive gasket only. We only sell gasket's for specific goggles at this time.

Will you make a gasket for my goggle?
We currently make gaskets for a wide range of goggles. We are open to producing TOG's for any goggle or shield, provided there is enough interest.

I am having a difficult time installing gaskets on my goggles without damaging the gasket.
Please refer to our "How to install TOG's page for tips and tricks.

I would like to be sponsored by TOG's, where do I send my resume?
Please send all resumes to tearoffgaskets@gmail.com
Where are TOG's made?
Currently, all TOG's are manufactured in Georgia.